Monday, September 26, 2011


I remember getting this CD for Christmas in grade 7 and it being the only album on my MP3 player (aside from the entire RENT soundtrack [quite the range of music, if I do say so myself]).

And I loved it.  And it was the only thing I loved about grade 7.


It's Times Like These When Peanut Butter Would Be Nice

You know those moments when you play the "pathetic depressing songs" playlist on your iTunes, and then you catch yourself listening to this playlist when you aren't even depressed about anything, but you don't want to listen to any up-beat happy songs because its 2AM and you really should be getting sleep but instead you are on stumbleupon so you continue to listen to the "pathetic depressing songs" playlist, because really, what you are doing is actually pretty pathetic?

It's depressing.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

When Life Gives You Epidermis...

      I have not posted for a very long time, and this is due to moving into rez and becoming an official university student.

      University, the point in my life which I thought would never come.  And let me tell you, living in the city has never been so satisfying.

      The people that I see on the streets is almost remarkable, since I would never see anyone so outrageous on the streets of my hometown, and if we did it would be a rare phenomenon.  I have seen Jesus twice, and his many followers everyday.  I have also met batman, an angel, and a living statue that always has pigeon shit on his shoulder.  I have seen the  man who stands silently and when you get close shoots his hand up and yells, "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE".  I have seen street dancers and street performers and the bums and the rich and basically every spectrum of the social ladder.

      But out of all of these people, no one and I mean NO ONE comes as close as my neighbour across the the street.  I do not know his name, however, I have been calling him Simon.  So anyways, I first saw Simon on my second day here.  I was innocently checking my facebook, seeing how my friends were doing back home, when for some unknown reason I decided to look out the window.  There straight ahead, between the tiki torches and the numerous fake plants on this porch was Simon's bare keister.
      It was just out there and in the open for all to see (or just my eyes since we are 14 stories up).  At first I didn't realize what this meant until he turned around and saw a lot more than what an at-the-time 17 year-old girl should see from a 70 year-old man (where is the "viewer's discretion is advised"guy when you need him!), and it wasn't until he came out in his birthday suit again the next day that I realized Simon is a nudist, or very much likes being in the nude.

      I quite enjoy all of it really.  It's funny!  Like, who else can say that they have a real-life ugly naked guy living across from them!

"Hey check it out.  Ugly Naked Guy's got a naked friend."
"Omigod.  That's our friend.  It's naked Ross."

~ Joey and Rachel, Friends

Only The Good Die Young

“Don’t be afraid to be a fool. Remember, you cannot be both young and wise. Young people who pretend to be wise to the ways of the world are mostly just cynics. Cynicism masquerades as wisdom, but it is the farthest thing from it. Because cynics don’t learn anything. Because cynicism is a self-imposed blindness, a rejection of the world because we are afraid it will hurt us or disappoint us. Cynics always say no. But saying yes begins things. Saying yes is how things grow. Saying yes leads to knowledge. “Yes” is for young people. So for as long as you have the strength to, say yes.”

~ Stephen Colbert