Sunday, February 19, 2012

Audience of One

I just want an excuse to dress as a hipster.

I don't want to be one, I just want to dress like one.
I like the style,
to a certain extent.
And I just want to embrace it on my body without actually embracing the inner body feeling.
(see what I did there?)

Is that so wrong?

*Side note: Funny story, this guy that was in my group for my pop literature class (also probably one of the biggest hipsters Ryerson has to offer) just recently got a tattoo of a dog on his leg.  His reasoning
behind it?
"Hey guys! Check out my new tattoo! It symbolizes my everlasting love for puppies and how my personality mirrors my love"

...So... that's not your dog?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What Is This Feeling?

I have arrived back in Guelph tonight,
and for the first time ever, my house doesn't feel like my home.
It feels like I'm just, visiting.
Because I am "just visiting".
I was unpacking all my stuff, thinking about how in a week I'm going to have to pack it all back up again to go back home.
(At school I call my rez "home", but I have never called it that when I'm in Guelph.)

You would think that this would make me sad, but why should it?
Guelph will always be my home,
but now so is Toronto.
And when I'm in Toronto I feel older,
more independent.
Am I finally growing up?
If so, I love the feeling.
"These times are a changin" as Bob Dylan would say,
And I'm ready for it this time around.

"Goodbye until tomorrow, goodbye until the rest of my life! And I have been waiting, I have been waiting for you"   ~ Catherine, The Last Five Years

Friday, February 17, 2012

And All That Jazz

To Sum Up My Week

I miss singing. And dancing.

Being in a theatre school and seeing all the actors and dancers doing their thing and loving their lives...
The worst is when you tell people you're in Theatre Production, and they reply with, "Oh, so you're an actress!"
*heart pains*
and you have to sheepishly reply, "Aha, oh, no.  I do the behind the scenes stuff, like lighting and set design and costumes, stuff like that."
(Which, don't get me wrong, is absolutely interesting and fun at times)

Last June, I won a scholarship and award for my broadway song and was put in the regional competition.
I'm curious as to how things would be different if I got the guts to audition for acting...

I love my program, don't get me wrong.  I just miss the other side to it.